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Lead Self Before Leading Others: A Life Planning Resource

I am very please to announce the publication of Lead Self First Before Leading Others: A Life Planning Resource. In it, Stephen K Hacker and myself explore the concept that, at the core of exceptional leadership, is the ability to lead self. “Be it for good or evil, conscious is powerful. This book makes plain, the case for enhanced self awareness, provides case studies and research support, presents the voices of several master leadership coaches, and most importantly….leads the reader the life planning process.” You can find the book on Business Expert Press or Amazon....

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Marvin talks Leading Change on podcast Inspiring Change

You can listen to Marvin’s interview on Inspiring Change with host Terry Lipovski. Click on the red arrow. Or find it on one of the following sites: ITunes Ubiquity SoundCloud Stitcher TuneIn Google...

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Turning Passion Into Action

See the presentation slides here.  

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Jail Theory of Leadership: Watch Marvin’s TedxUalberta talk now

What do Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, and Adolf Hilter all share in common? First, they all spent time in prison; second, they all wrote while in prison. In this riveting talk, Dr. Marvin Washington expands on how leaders must solve problems by “leaning in” against the grain of common thought, and how we can lean in like Mandela, King, or Hitler – without going to jail ourselves.    ...

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Bringing Passion to the Classroom

Marvin talks about teaching with passion.

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Leading Peak Performance

Order Marvin’s book today. 

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