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“Because leadership is directly connected to performance, it is — at its essence — a combination of behaviors, characteristics, and skills that strive to achieve “peak performance.”

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“As I watched 15,000 people march past my house towards to capital to protest the events that led to George Floyd’s death, I knew I had to help.  After a year of reading everything I could and listening to anyone that would talk to me, I think I have some very concrete tips, insights, and practices that could help you create a more inclusive organization.”

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Organizational Change

“Just like you need a recipe for baking a cake, so do you need a recipe for change. Too much sugar and not enough flour would be a recipe for disaster. So is too much of an emphasis on strategy, and not enough emphasis on the people.”  

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“Danger is one thing, but danger plus extreme discomfort for long periods is quite another. Most people can put up with a bit of danger—it adds something to the challenge—but no one likes discomfort—or not for long anyway.” – Sir Edmund Hillary

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